Investor: POLENERGIA – Construction of ZIELONA-DĘBSK Wind Farm – construction of a substation named DĘBSK WF Main Delivery Point (GPO FW DĘBSK) for the needs of power output to the ENERGA operator’s grid, to which a total of eight circuits of MV lines constructed for the needs of energy takeoff from 55 wind turbines VESTAS 2.2MW with a total installed capacity of 121 MW were connected
Investor: MASHAV Energia – Construction of the 110/30 kV HV/MV Bięcino Main Delivery Point and the 25 km long 110 kV HV cable line for the connection of the Potęgowo East (Potęgowo Wschód) WF (101.25 MW).
POTĘGOWO East (Potęgowo Wschód) Wind Farm – Supervision and Coordination Services of the electrical power part (Bięcino, Wrzeście-Kępno, Karzcino, Głuszynko-Grapice Wind Turbine Complex) – 38 wind turbines GE 2,5-2,75MW with a total installed capacity of 101.25 MW were connected
Investor: ENERGA Invest – Construction of two 30 / 30kV substations RSN ŻUKI and RSN PRZYKONA for connection to GPZ ŻUKI 110/30 / 15kV and construction of MV cable lines for connection of FW PRZYKONA with a total capacity of 31.05 MW from 9 VESTAS 3,45MW turbines installed – coordination and consulting in the field of electro-energy and wind farms.
Investor: OX2 – Construction of the HV/MV GPO FW SULMIERZYCE 110/33kV station, the HV 110kV cable line and the MV cable lines for the connection of the SULMIERZYCE WF with a total capacity of 23,1MW from 7 VESTAS 3,3MW turbines installed – supervision and coordination in the field of electro-energy industry
Investor: AKUO Energy Poland – Construction of Wind Farm GNIEW (22 MW) – coordination of supervision and consultancy on the construction of GPO FW CIEPLE substation for the purpose of power evacuation to the network of ENERGA operator, along with coordination of the construction of a new two-track overhead line WN 110kV and crossing under the line 400kV (PSE) and modernization of adjacent stations
Investor: QAIR – Construction of Parzęczew & Września Wind Farms – construction of a MV SKP substation FW Parzęczew 1 and 2 with connection to PGE Dystrybucja Network and construction of a MV SKP substation FW Września 1 and 2 with connection to ENEA Operator Network. Supervising of electrical part in both projects with coordination of procedures grid connections all turbines VESTAS to the independent operator networks – 2x 8,8MW (total capacity 17,6MW)
Investor: RWE Renewables – Construction of ROZDRAZEW Wind Farm – construction of a HV/MV substation named GPO FW ROZDRAZEW and HV cable line 110 kV as connection to GPZ Kozmin Wlkp for the needs of power output to the ENERGA operator’s grid, to which a total 7 wind turbines NORDEX 2.4MW with a total installed capacity of 16,8 MW were connected
Investor: QAIR – Construction of CHOJNY Wind Farm – construction of a HV/MV substation named GPO FW CHOJNY with two circuits Olszówka & Grzegorzew of MV lines constructed, for the needs of power output to the ENERGA operator’s grid from 6 wind turbines VESTAS 2.0-2.2MW with a total installed capacity of 12,8 MW were connected